Coming Soon: Webkinz Lynx

This big cat is on the prowl, hunting for someone to love. With its adorable tufted ears and stubby tail, this frisky feline will bound into your life and capture your heart. You will go wild for the new Webkinz Lynx!

203 Responses to Coming Soon: Webkinz Lynx

  1. anna says:

    NEED THAT!!! :) i hope i get it if i dont ill be sad… :(

  2. LorLor says:

    I love lynxes! All of them! They’re so cute with their tufted ears! <3

  3. thecreativeone says:

    Wow! Way cool!

  4. Pandingo124 says:

    Welllllll… not as cute as my endangered signature lynx but the virtual image may be better :)

  5. peace to all says:

    So Cute! If i got it i would name it Scruffy

  6. libbyisadog says:

    AWWWW!! how cute!!

  7. peace to all says:

    AWWW! It is sooooo cute!

  8. Blair_ says:

    OMG, it’s so cute!!!
    I want it now, as the stuffed animal, LOL.
    I can’t wait for when it comes out!!!
    But, I want to see what it looks like virtual and what it comes with.
    Can’t wait!!

  9. funpenguinz says:

    :O just a few minutes ago before I came here I was searching up pictures of lynxs to draw! XD

  10. HARRY POTTER FAN. THE 2 says:

    SOOOOO CUTE !!!!! I HOPE I GET ONE!!!! :) :D :) :D :) :D

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