Coming Soon: Webkinz Lynx

This big cat is on the prowl, hunting for someone to love. With its adorable tufted ears and stubby tail, this frisky feline will bound into your life and capture your heart. You will go wild for the new Webkinz Lynx!

203 Responses to Coming Soon: Webkinz Lynx

  1. Blaze of Fire says:

    Gotta agree with Tiger. Wanna know what it looks like in Webkinz world.

  2. Blaze of Fire says:

    Luv your Lynx, Cryptonite Dragon! It’s way cuter!

  3. Cryptonite Dragon says:

    I have a friend who has a lynx stuffed toy and it’s way cuter then this lynx. Plus it’s bigger.

  4. Tiger says:

    Wish I knew what the Lynx looked like virtually. Still, it’s cute.

  5. Bluestar says:

    I loove lynxes

  6. justinb12241 says:

    that is so cute. i wish i could have one . i am going to look for it when i go to the store.

  7. Butterfly says:

    I don’t think it looks like a Lynx.

  8. vaquitanine says:

    i love it! cats are so adorable!espealtly the cute .i want it so bad

  9. kitteeprincess says:

    EPIC! I wonder when they’ll come out with a leopard or jaguar… :)

  10. dei999 says:

    How cute! Ganz, good work!

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