Coming Soon: Webkinz Lynx

This big cat is on the prowl, hunting for someone to love. With its adorable tufted ears and stubby tail, this frisky feline will bound into your life and capture your heart. You will go wild for the new Webkinz Lynx!

203 Responses to Coming Soon: Webkinz Lynx

  1. webkinzluver223 says:

    omg i luv this it is soo cute and i love it i know i sound like a creep right now but if anybody wants to friend me my user name is nanners6789 and i dont have any friends on webkinz world because i dont know how to work the little thingamabob that u use to add friendz :|

  2. kaylla10 says:

    haha its cute :)
    boy name) ruffle
    girl name)sassy

  3. rcoooo says:

    OMG I love lynxs but lynxs are usally gray.

  4. yasmin1999 says:

    i hope webkinz does the pet i explained… anyway. i think that the beard looks cute. it’s not really a beard… i think… lol…

  5. DoodleGirl118 says:

    It is so cute!! I like it! I don’t think I can get it though because I am already getting another webkinz soon.


  6. isabelle12122001 says:

    I LOVE IT!! :D
    Thank sooooo much for not making it e-store!

  7. kpooley354 says:

    Lynx are sooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. cyberj29 says:

    It is so cool. I want this pet! -cyberj29

  9. *Roseluvr* says:

    It’s pretty cute, but the black hair on the ears makes it look like it has horns. It’s still cute though. :)

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