Coming Soon: Webkinz Rockerz Raccoon

59 Responses to Coming Soon: Webkinz Rockerz Raccoon

  1. soulstar says:

    the plushy and virtual figure are so cute!!!

  2. spudsally says:

    I love this webkinz rocks pet the best

  3. k10x says:

    it is so…..CUTE!

  4. Lizard2502 says:


  5. kaye says:

    well I think the feet are not very good — just not an attractive pet at all – I will pass on this one, and I LIKE coons!

  6. sstar642000 says:

    Haha! This would be perfect for my brother! They both wear an earring on their left ear! Too bad that part of its hair is pink…

  7. WebkinzGal says:

    I am NOT getting this pet……It’s SOOOOO ugly! The tail is really cute, kinda like the Brilliant Bandit’s tail, and it’s colors I love, But the eyes are what I HATE!!! Not getting this pet, ugliest Rockerz YET!

  8. dagandiamond says:

    Ohhh my gosh.. i want him so bad!!

  9. jaammt says:

    Love this and my son will too! It will make a great Christmas gift!!!!!~~~

  10. jaammt says:

    Love this and my son will too! It will make a great Christmas gift!!!!!

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