February 2011 Signature Endangered Pet

Signature Endangered Dama Gazelle

This darling Signature Endangered pet will be available in stores February 2011. Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for a Sneak Peek of its special item and food!

135 Responses to February 2011 Signature Endangered Pet

  1. bigmouthrocks says:

    Me again! But what I want to know is why make signature webkinz? Just to make more money? what I think is they should just make them normal the all the others. Who agrees?

  2. bigmouthrocks says:

    I just saw this one in stores the other day and it was way soft. I am so going to ask for it for Christmas if i don’t find another 1 that I like more! :)

  3. Tanya says:

    How much is this pet- because i’m thinking of buying it…

  4. httydlover says:

    WHY ARE WEBKINZ SOOOOO EXPENSIVE!! I LOVE webkinz but i never have the money. :( :( :( :( :( :(

  5. httydlover says:

    it looks sad :(

  6. Claire says:

    Small signatures are JUST the right price, but regular Signature Webkinz are just too much!

  7. bluygreen says:

    you need to make a barn

  8. bluygreen says:

    i really do not like the signature webkinz :)

  9. bob says:

    this is the coolest pet in the world.

  10. WebkinzLuvr522 says:

    Oh my gosh I love the gazelle it is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I absolutely love it!! We have been waiting for a pet like this!!!

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