Pot Bellied Pig

The Pot Bellied Pig will be available in May 2011.

445 Responses to Pot Bellied Pig

  1. Mel0524 says:

    I loveeee piggggggs! The lil’kinz pig was my first ever webkinz when the site first started years ago. I know what i’ll be assking for in May for my birthday… the Pot Belly’ed Big! :D <3 Cannnt waiiit!

  2. JUNESILLY says:

    I just love the pot bellied pig! i think i will get it and may be the grizzly bear or if i can find it i will get the signature harp seal. Those webkinz are so adorable! I also kind of like the Australian Sheppard too!

  3. Franny says:

    This piggy is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!! I want a pot bellie pig webkinz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  4. webkinz user says:

    Anonymous, Spiders are animals. They are a type of insect and insects are animals? And if you think spiders arent insects then what do you thinks they are jellyfish? And on the National Geographic channel they said that pigs are smarter than dogs and one of the most cleanest animals. And do you also think elephants are gross becasue they also roll in mud the same reason pigs do.

  5. cy cuttieshy says:

    pigs are smart they might be ugly but they can do a lot of things

  6. Morgan says:


  7. iluvthinmints says:

    Cool. It is cute & I like pigs, but cool is d best I have 2 offer 4 it.

  8. Jpuppy21 says:

    i might name my pig Bacon…no offence by it i just think that would be a good name 4 a pig!

  9. Jpuppy21 says:

    i love the pig AND dog and…..well i like pretty much all the new ones.
    fyi: none of them are ugly

  10. Jpuppy21 says:

    aw! i love pigs! Anonymous, Pigs are cute and if u are going to keep being mean please do not comment! no trying to be mean but please!

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