Pot Bellied Pig

The Pot Bellied Pig will be available in May 2011.

445 Responses to Pot Bellied Pig

  1. cuddly cow010 says:

    pigs are sooooo cute!!!!

  2. TheHeart says:

    i have one, her name is Jezzabella!
    i love it!

  3. kanani12345678 says:

    Soooooo cuuuuuutttte!!!!!X3

  4. hahhnacenter says:

    EVERYBODY! I have a pot bellied pig! They are so cute! I have a little brother, he keeps asking if he pet my pig which I named Splat! They’ re more then any pig; they’re a POT BELLIED PIG! So get a POT BELLIED PIG now!


  5. abcd1234 says:

    That is sort of cute but not as cute as new sheep dog!!

  6. IRIS says:

    I HAVE THIS PIG AND IT IS NAMED POTBELLY LIKE THE RESTRAUNT……………………SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. IrishDancer2000 says:

    This is like one of the cutest Webkinz pigs!! It is really cute! I just ordered it online and it should be here in about a week. I am going to name it either Porkers or Porky……..Can someone help me decide? Thx:)

  8. kazxn says:

    yaaaaaaaay i might be getting that piggy i might call it wibly if i do get that piggy it will be a boy

  9. r says:

    I SOOOO want one! :P

  10. pony2dogfrogbunny says:

    Aw… he so adoreable! :)

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