Signature Australian Shepherd

The Signature Australian Shepherd will be available in May 2011.

505 Responses to Signature Australian Shepherd

  1. son444 says:

    I love my beagles,but this pup is just as cute!

  2. Jpuppy21 says:

    OH MY GOSH! what did i miss for like the month i was off webkinz newz? i love this and the pig and shih tzu! i want 2 see the online though.

  3. Beckle says:

    this is ADORABLE!!! i want it so badly!

  4. Clubk4478 says:


  5. boltfan2001 says:

    I agree with you Tilde0213… :D

  6. boltfan2001 says:

    Wat does “btw” mean?!? REPLY!!!!!!! :D

  7. Tilde0213 says:

    It’s EXTRIMELY adorable:) I will ,probably, tootaly order it :) :) + webkinz news please make like a trading forum in here, and like you should add every month so they don’t get to full. That’s becuse It’s a little anoying when all the articels are full whit trading stuff! PPLLLLLLLLEAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEE do this, I think allot of people agree whit me!. :) /:)

  8. rakkerincanada says:

    IIT is ADORABLE!!!!! :)

  9. hfairy says:

    He is SO cute! But signutures are a no-no. :(

  10. auntt111 says:

    What about cats. We have more dogs than cats.

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