Signature Pets

Something new is coming to Webkinz World — Signature Pets! The first of these gorgeous, life-like pets is the Signature Panda. Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn more about this amazing pet!

Signature Panda

The Signature Panda will be available in stores in early April.

70 Responses to Signature Pets

  1. madison says:

    omg that panda is sooooo cute!?!?!?!

  2. msusox says:

    I love signature pets!!! I have seven… the endangered bengal tiger,small fox,german shepard,racoon,cheetah,penguin,and cocker spainel. I’m still adding new ones to my family!!!

  3. webkinzlover25 says:

    That panda is the cutest webkinz I’ve ever seen! I wishI had all the signature webkinz.

  4. Megan says:

    So cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have only missed one regular signature pet the German shepard in January. CEDAR POINT IS ALSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. maddie says:

    hi,i like this panda.

  6. webkinzlover says:

    I love the panda it is soooooooooooooooo cute and i love all the endangered pets they are so cute and cuddley.

  7. BLah says:

    I think they r very cool!!!!!!!

  8. Kaimirah says:

    cool Iwant a signature pet. I want all of them.

  9. emily says:

    I LOVE the signature cheeta it is so cute

  10. Cool girl says:

    Wow thats one cool webkinz!!!!!!!!

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