Twilight Dragon

The Twilight Dragon will be available in May 2011.

391 Responses to Twilight Dragon

  1. lego99master says:

    Sick I am so geting one

  2. Caramel says:

    WOW!! I would like One of the twilight Dragon.

  3. Anev says:

    It looks adorable!!!!!!! I want to get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Dorito says:


  5. ashley says:

    i want one soooooooo bad!!!!!

  6. maadisonandbrycen says:

    heyyyy it would be nice if yall gave it to me free

  7. madisonandbrycen says:

    i SOOOOOOOOOO want her!!!!!!!!

  8. Winny says:

    Im so gonna get that. :> I have all the dragons except for that now :D SO happy that they made a new dragon.

  9. bLacK iS mY coLoR says:

    What an adorable dragon!! Why is it called a ‘Twilight’ Dragon though, if it is blue and purple? When I saw the little link on the homepage, I thought it would be black….

  10. Em says:

    It’s so cute! Definitely looking for it when it comes to stores!

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