Twilight Dragon

The Twilight Dragon will be available in May 2011.

391 Responses to Twilight Dragon

  1. Josie says:

    love it! The dragons are my favorite!! :)

  2. Harriette56 says:

    I think it looks lovely! It looks nice and cuddly and it’s a great webkin to play with on the computer and without it.:-)

  3. Puplover567 says:

    Does anyone have nafaria’s purple items are sucky but here is what i have to dress,snow queen robe,elegant asian headress,pop star dress,green kinz kringle jacket and hat.if you want items here is what i card bed,trading card 2.0 toy box,hot air balloon.plz my birthday is comming up turning 11.i would appriciate it.please no hackers and scamers.user mymarbar.thank you :)

  4. clara says:

    I would trade any thing for that object!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. WolfGirl13 says:

    Love it!! very cute
    I know all the may pets

  6. CreamyFun says:

    I have an account for trade if you trade me plmpy glasses! The account has five pets and had deluxe membership but not anymore.

  7. mudpiepig says:

    Yeshhhh 100th comment

  8. TangTiger says:

    I love this new pet! I might get it and it will I think it is will be a boy dragon.

  9. MadiWolfClaw says:

    OMG THAT DRAGON LOOKS AMAZING! I WANT IT SO BAD! hehe now im talking like girlsrule, in all caps xD i think thats funny

  10. Calsno says:

    It is cute!…….But i love my ice dragon!!!!!!!

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