Feedback Friday: How Are You Celebrating Valentine’s Day?


Welcome to the weekly edition of Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!

Valentine’s Day is this weekend, and we’re celebrating in Webkinz World with seasonal plush pets and eStore items, a special Webkinz Newz contest, and a present for all of those who log into Webkinz World on Sunday! We know how you’ll be celebrating Valentine’s Day in Webkinz World, but what about in the real world?

This week’s question is…

How are you celebrating Valentine’s Day?

Are you crafting a special present for that special someone? Sharing chocolates with your secret admirer? Going to the movies with your sweetheart? Give us some feedback by commenting now!

1,660 Responses to Feedback Friday: How Are You Celebrating Valentine’s Day?

  1. slycat3009 says:

    I played webkinz!

  2. 500mandms says:

    My Valentines Day was spent delivering chocolate sandwhich cookies to Old Widow Ladies. Just seeing them smile made my heart jump with joy

  3. ashley says:

    I spent my Valentines day with my friend(she spent the night from Friday until Sunday)and we played the wii(the game New super mario bros) then we went outside and played in the snow. When she left my family went shopping.For Valentines day my grandma got me the tree kangaroo, and the old english mom got me and my brother the signature dutch bunny (i really like the signature endangered bengal tiger). my grandma got my brother the beaver and the tree i think we faired out real nice.then i had $10 and bought the brand new series2 bratty zum but i did no think that was fair that my brother did not get one so i gave him the stuffed animal and my mom the code.i secretly put it on so she did not when my friend left we spent some family quality time all together just us. THAT WAS MY VALENTINES DAY.(sorry for being late)

  4. OrdinaryGirl says:

    When my sister and i woke up our mom gave us a valentines gift.But to us it was not about the gift it was about the love that surrounded us.We had an exelent Valentines Day!It was very fun we may not have had a big feast or expencive gifts,or exchanged valentines,or went to a friends house, lets put it this way we didn’t get out, or have a big feast, but we had an extra special Valentines Day of you would say gosh they are poor, and are lazy, and does nothing.Well your wrong we just chose to do this.Anyway i hope your Valentine’s Day was just as grand as ours was!*****

  5. Becca says:

    I celebrated Valentine’s day by going to church in the morning, then later cooking a 4 course romantic dinner for my parents :)

  6. chicie says:

    i woke up and then went to a valentines day party Awesome!

  7. webkinz super girl says:

    hi happy valentine’s day WW, great day to spend time with family and friends, so i did!

  8. Anime Girl 341 says:

    I had to go to my friends birthday party on the 14th. The 13th I had to go to my best friends birthday party. At school we exchanged valentines and ate pretzals for a snack. I also went with my aunt and uncle and got chocolate covered strawberries.

  9. Webkinz tiger says:

    I spent the day at a basket ball tournament for my sister but some of my friends were there.

  10. Webkinz says:

    Sorry for getting here late, but had such a wonderful valentines day. I got 2 troll beads for my bracelet. My sister got a video game all and all a great day spending time with family

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