Feedback Friday: If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

Tomorrow in Webkinz World™ the Kangaroo is being retired. There will be additional activities for Kangaroo owners, and collectible retirement cupcakes for everyone. A lot of pets have been retired to make room for new pets everyday. Do you remember your favorite retired pet?

This week’s question is…

If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

Would you bring back the Cheeky Dog or Cheeky Cat? Maybe it’s the Love Puppy, Pegasus, or Unicorn? Whatever your favorite retired Webkinz is, we want to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!

3,116 Responses to Feedback Friday: If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

  1. shasham says:

    i have an idea.bring back 1 or 2 of every retired webkinz species. or almost all if so u should bring back favs or uncommon horses or snakes or fish.favs are like dogs and cats which u c everywhere.but its just a suggetion.

  2. shasham says:

    i havent seen a horse webkinz in stores for a long time

  3. shasham says:

    i would bring back all of them. because i dont think its fair for the children that are born maybe a year after their fav animal was retired or they didnt find an animal they liked a couple years later or they wanted a certain webkinz pet for their birthday but when their birthday came that certain webkinz was gone retired poof!

  4. 7violet7 says:

    If I could bring back one retired webkinz pet it wold be the Webkinz Cheeky cat! When I first saw a webkinz it was the Cheeky Cat I thought it was so cute but it was then retired before Ifould even save money up for it! I was so upset

  5. webkinzfreak400100 says:

    ALL OF THEM!!!!!!

  6. christina says:

    i think the sherbert bunny,love puppy,collie,black and white cheekey dog, and the chocolate lab. but i want all of them to come back. please, ganz, please!!!!

  7. amanda says:

    the cocoa dino the labs the love puppy and ALL OF THEM!

  8. Sarah says:

    The Love puppy (Come on, it’s been gone for 3 years+) plus all of the labs. I would love a Black Lab. Bring back the Cheeky Dog too and possibly all of them! They are missed and deserve to be loved again =(

  9. Toodle says:

    Tottaly the love puppy!

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