Feedback Friday: If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

Tomorrow in Webkinz World™ the Kangaroo is being retired. There will be additional activities for Kangaroo owners, and collectible retirement cupcakes for everyone. A lot of pets have been retired to make room for new pets everyday. Do you remember your favorite retired pet?

This week’s question is…

If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

Would you bring back the Cheeky Dog or Cheeky Cat? Maybe it’s the Love Puppy, Pegasus, or Unicorn? Whatever your favorite retired Webkinz is, we want to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!

3,116 Responses to Feedback Friday: If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

  1. Liny says:

    1. Sheep
    2. Cheeky Dog.
    3. Black&White Cheeky Dog

  2. KATIE says:

    Well I want you to bring all them back but 4 I want the most is the LOVEPUPPY the sherbert bunny the minty puppy and the pink pegases but most I want the LOVEPUPPY

  3. Sparklys7093744 says:

    I’ve been reading this a lot but I want the Love Puppy to come back too!!!!! It looks so adorable and cuddly and the whole world is missing that! I just want the Love Puppy to please come back. It’s either that or the Sherbet Bunny or the Cheeky Cat. But mostly the Love Puppy! Please And Thank You! :) P.S. The Love Puppy and Sherbet Bunny were gone SO fast. ;(

  4. Kayley misses her puppies! says:


  5. wishg says:

    i have the retired greman sheperd.

  6. wishg says:

    yes bring back my german sheperd.we love you german sheperds! :)

  7. wishg says:

    i like the germen sheperd too !

  8. wishg says:

    i like them too ganz bring them back please!

  9. puppup1 says:

    I’ve longed to get the love puppy in the very beggaining

  10. wishg says:

    bring this one back :) i agree with you

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