Feedback Friday: If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

Tomorrow in Webkinz World™ the Kangaroo is being retired. There will be additional activities for Kangaroo owners, and collectible retirement cupcakes for everyone. A lot of pets have been retired to make room for new pets everyday. Do you remember your favorite retired pet?

This week’s question is…

If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

Would you bring back the Cheeky Dog or Cheeky Cat? Maybe it’s the Love Puppy, Pegasus, or Unicorn? Whatever your favorite retired Webkinz is, we want to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!

3,116 Responses to Feedback Friday: If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

  1. Cjturtwig says:

    Yes your Right the cheeky dog would be great to bring back!!!

  2. Casey says:

    The Buffalo!! He is so cute!

  3. jimbob says:

    I want the unicorn!

  4. puppylover says:

    LOVE PUPPY PLEEEAAASE! i want it really bad but i also would like the sherbert bunny and samoyed :)

  5. 4guineapigsmama says:

    I would like the love puppy and sherbert bunny!!


    black lab,chacolate lab,yellow lab, AND THAT IS PRETTY MUCH it

  7. sky says:

    ( P.S that i forgot )
    plz let the love puupy return cause it’s so cute! i wanted it from day one but my webkinz store just HAD to be slow and it retired!~ waaaaaaaaaa ;(

  8. sky says:

    OMG ALL THE FIRST RETIRED WEBKINZ OF COURSE!!!! theres the love puppy,checky cat,dog,and monkey,pegasus,and the sherbert bunny. Don’t care about the unicorn though……. well i do care but i already have in Li’kinz lol. ;)

  9. MsPac-Man says:

    All of them. They get retired so quickly!

  10. WebkinzYellowLab17 says:

    The Cheeky Dog! Its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO expensive now!!!!!!! Even though its so awesome, maybe I would pay that much but PLZ BRING IT BACK!!!!!!

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