Feedback Friday: If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

Tomorrow in Webkinz World™ the Kangaroo is being retired. There will be additional activities for Kangaroo owners, and collectible retirement cupcakes for everyone. A lot of pets have been retired to make room for new pets everyday. Do you remember your favorite retired pet?

This week’s question is…

If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

Would you bring back the Cheeky Dog or Cheeky Cat? Maybe it’s the Love Puppy, Pegasus, or Unicorn? Whatever your favorite retired Webkinz is, we want to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!

3,116 Responses to Feedback Friday: If you could bring back one retired pet, what would it be?

  1. Katie says:

    Timber Wolf or any other Signature that came out in 2009. My favorite Signatures include: the Panda, Raccoon, Calico Cat, Timber Wolf, and Cheetah.

  2. Lexie10152 says:

    I want the love puppy (please make a lil kinz for it at least)

  3. Lexie10152 says:

    By the way Phineas And Ferb Rule! the googles is a platupus

  4. dfghtyt says:

    also, the american buffalo, the amerian albino, the black fersian, and the horse.

  5. dfghtyt says:

    oh! also I would bring back the gray and white cat, and the gold and white cat.

  6. dfghtyt says:

    I would bring back all the labradors, the grey sqirrel, the dalmatian, the love puppey (I wanted one but naver found one, same with the sherbet bunney) , the bubblegum cheekycat (apparantley both), the toco tucan, the tiger and striped snake, the unicorn, the pegasus, the raccoon, the collie, and the german shephered.

  7. Amber says:

    1.pegasause 3.colie 4.german sheperd

  8. madison says:

    you are right i want the love puppy too i did not get it because the day i got a webkinz and the the love puppy was gone the next day PS i love you ganz and webkinz=]

  9. Phineas And Ferb Rule! says:

    1.Love puppy
    2.Sherbert bunny
    3.Cheeky dog
    4.Cheeky cat
    5.Peppermint puppy (I think that one is retired!)
    7.Germen sheperd
    P.S. NEVER MAKE A RETIRED ONE AGEN!(Make a platypus)

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