Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! | ![]() |
Have you experienced a Wowzer Weekend at the Ganz eStore™ lately? If so, you may have noticed some special products:
The Sleeping Sensations Collection is a collection of superbeds!
The Citizens of Kinzville includes many items used by the residents of Kinzville!
The Wacky Webkinz World Collection has all kinds of wacky, crazy, and all-around fun items!
And the Pet Items Remixed Collection contains items from retired pets, with a new spin!
This Feedback Friday, Webkinz Newz and the Ganz eStore want to hear from you!
This week’s question is…
If you could create items for the special Ganz eStore collections, what would they be?
Would you create a super superbed? Or maybe put a new spin on an old item? Maybe you have lots of ideas! Whatever your items are, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
I think there should be a “the whole world in your house” theme. It would have a map. It would also have faumous sightings such as the CN tower, the Eiffel tower, the Giza pyrimids, mount Rushmmore, and the Taj Mahal.
i think there should be a earth cat. it would have continents on it. its food would be jell-o in the colors of earth. its item would be a map.
Upstairs Bedrooms with stairs.
How about a hospital theme? I have made a hospital the best I can for my dog, which is a doctor, and my nurse, but, I can’t dress them as they should look and I can’t even name the room correctly!
I love the persons idea for a pool that more than one pet can swim in. What’s the sense of having a “pool party” if everyone can’t jump in the pool?
i would make:
flowery cat
signature golden
signature gey arabian
exclucive plane ride for your 49th webkinz
carosel your pets can ride on
scratching posts for cats
corralls and instead of a house its a barn for horses and virtual jumps and riders and farms with random horses webkinz world put in it
hoops for dogs
I’d make an India themed furniture set.
I will make a silly band dog webkinz.Its food will be silly band salad.
I will make a colorful panda.Its food will be colorfull babbu.
I would make a signature paintball cheetah! It would be crazy colorful!It would come with a paintball plaza,(hotel)that your pet can sleep in and it would be gigantic!!!!!!it’s food would be spaghetti and paintballs!
I would make a tree fort for the outdoor section in Webkinz shop . I would also make a ladybug lil’ Webkinz and it’s food colored leaves salad.