Feedback Friday: If you could write an article for Webkinz Newz, what would it be about?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

Webkinz Newz is the top place to get up to date information on Webkinz World™. We post articles daily which inform Webkinz users of what’s new, what items are coming out, what pets are being debuted and retired, as well as many other fun facts. We also host many contests where we ask Webkinz users to use their creative juices and come up with wonderful stories, pictures, lists, and all other types of creative things relating to Webkinz. And today we’re asking our users to use their creative juices to answer this week’s question…

This week’s question is…

If you could write an article for Webkinz Newz, what would it be about?

Would you write about your favorite items? Or maybe an editorial on your favorite arcade games? Whatever your article is about, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!


467 Responses to Feedback Friday: If you could write an article for Webkinz Newz, what would it be about?

  1. Kristen says:

    I would write about something special that happened in Wwebkinz World! If it was a webkinz birthday I would write about how the party went. If someone beat a high score in the arcade I would write about that. If someone got first, second,, or third place in a beauty or cooking competition I would write about that. There are so many more things that could be written about and I would like to know about all that and much more things that are exciting in Webkinz World.

  2. penny222k says:

    I would write about all the new stuff on Mazin’ Hampsters and arcade tips.

  3. Julia says:

    I would start an arcade tips section where members can read tips from webkinz gaming experts on how to suceed at games. I’d add tips on a different game each week.

  4. Claire says:

    I would start a Sparking Pegasus contest because I love the Sparking Pegasus

  5. rsander says:

    I would write about room tipz and Trickz.

    i would let Webkinz Newz fans send in pics of their favorite bedroom and put up favorites and show them in a new tap called:
    coolest rooms in WW.

  6. etl28 says:

    I would write about all the upcoming events in Webkinz. Also, I would talk about the new Kinz Tunes CD and where you can buy it at.

  7. little miss sweetie says:

    i think you should make a springtime pup.

    green paws, tail, and ears, with purple, yellow, pink, bue, red, and orange flowers all over it.

    special item: flowering garden ( takes up four squares. has beautiful flowers, and a little pond.)

    special food: flowering mini bits ( like mini cookies with sparkles, all different colored cookies, on a flower shaped plate.)

    just wanted to tell you my idea!! :)

  8. andrea says:

    I would write about dolphins.

  9. pierexx says:

    i’d write about contests the game of the day the pet of the day dont forget the pet of the month and todays activities and well thats all i can think of off the top of my head oh and by the way in real life i’m going into fith grade i get a locker

  10. sydsienna says:

    I would write about how webkinz makes kids learn new things and have fun at the same time! :-)

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