Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! | ![]() |
Webkinz Newz is the top place to get up to date information on Webkinz World™. We post articles daily which inform Webkinz users of what’s new, what items are coming out, what pets are being debuted and retired, as well as many other fun facts. We also host many contests where we ask Webkinz users to use their creative juices and come up with wonderful stories, pictures, lists, and all other types of creative things relating to Webkinz. And today we’re asking our users to use their creative juices to answer this week’s question…
This week’s question is…
If you could write an article for Webkinz Newz, what would it be about?
Would you write about your favorite items? Or maybe an editorial on your favorite arcade games? Whatever your article is about, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
Hmmm lets see, defiantly about the Signature Pomeranian and other Arfsome pets like the ChichiChihuahua, Aardvark, Bordercollie, Collie, Chihuahua, and other pets!!!
I would write about diffrent types of EVIREMENT ISSUES. Stuff like GLOBAL WARMING, and POLLUTION, and LITTERING. That kinda stuff. And the animals its hurting. AND PEOPLE. Like how in africa GLOBAL WARMING is drying up alot of vegitation and so that leads up to the starvation that happens there. Hope you Let me Write in the NewzPaper!
i would write about the pet of the month and always give a quistion for each pet of the month
anything really its fun writing articles
I would write about fashion! I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up, so obviously I’d write about fashion. I would talk about what’s IN for fashion in that season of the year, what’s trendy, how to make your wordrobe super sassy, and tips on how to make your clothes look a lot better.
I would totally freak if the Ganz people asked me to write an article! I would totally say yes! Hey, maybe you should start this thing where you can write articles, send it in the the Webkinz people, and then they read them, and choose which one is the best and put it as an article in the News! Then that person would get a special prize and a badge or something! I would write an article for the Webkinz people! TOTALLY!!!
Peace, love, happiness,
I would write about the Magical Forest.
Im definatly a fashion fanatic!so it could be about retired clothes and value how 2 start a cute trend!!or ideas of new clothes like i really want more sleepwear!or more shoes and accessories!!!Halloween costumes!easter bunny basket as a special clothes!
I would write about how I would fix some games that aren’t the funnest!
i would write about how to earn a lot of kinzcash.In quizzy’s corner you get 1 kinzcash for every question. Super easy and quick,and you boost your school smarts!