Feedback Friday Is Back!!!: Who is your all time favorite Webkinz character?


Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!

While we know Feedback Friday hasn’t been around in a while, we’re working hard to bring a new question to you every week from now on. So…


This weekend in Webkinz World, the communal contest will involve the classic Webkinz game, Dex Dangerous and the Lunar Lugbotz! Dex Dangerous has been around Webkinz World since almost forever, and while we haven’t heard much from him in awhile, he is definitely one of Webkinz World’s most classic characters! So, in thinking about Dex Dangerous, we want to hear from you!

This week’s question is…

Who is your all time favorite Webkinz character?

Is your favorite character Artie? Or Goober? Or maybe even someone from a W Tales story? It doesn’t matter where they are in Webkinz World, if they’re your favorite we want to hear about it!

2,402 Responses to Feedback Friday Is Back!!!: Who is your all time favorite Webkinz character?

  1. Sophie says:

    I love Arte because he is so original,he seems like the type of person who would say,”Been there,done that,” and thats just the way I like people.

  2. webkinzlover says:

    i love amanda panda. if you mean plush pet than it would be everone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Riley says:

    I like ms.Birdy beacause she helps you with the adoption of your pet, she signs your animal’s adoption certifecate and she puts your pet online and on your account.

  4. italianangel12 says:

    I always loved every single webkinz character cause they are all unique in there own special way and give out information so webkinz can be mysterious like curios shop you never know if there a rare item or the items more expensive then the one in the W-shop.My favorite character is curio because he always has something new in his shop you’ll never get bored with him.Im so glad webkinz made Curio!
    Thank webkinz!!!!

    P.S I love all the other characters too and my favorite webkinz is the polar bear!!!

  5. Maddie B says:

    I like Arte because he is so awesome! =)

  6. seaturtle LPS says:

    What up? My favorite person on webkinz is Tabitha von. Meow. My aunt’s name is Tabitha! Peace out home dawg.

  7. mygirltessie says:

    I just love love love love Dr. Quack! He is so awesome! He is the best!

  8. I says:

    Wacky is so cute I love HIM!! 8)

  9. Heather says:


  10. sara says:

    i like dr.qack he takes care of my webkinz when there sick :)

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