Feedback Friday: What Communal Contest Challenges Would You Like?


Welcome to the weekly edition of Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!

This week, we launched the Communal Contest feature which challenges players to work together to overcome a goal in order to win a sweet prize. We’ve got a bunch of challenges lined up of varying difficulties, including some that require everyone to play a certain game to earn a large number of points and others that require sending KinzPost gifts, but we want to hear what kind of challenges you think the community can finish.

This week’s question is…

What Communal Contest challenges would you like to see?

Would you like a challenge to collect a certain number of gems? What about a challenge to plant a certain number of saplings in the Caring Valley? What challenges do you think the community could finish? Remember: the harder the challenge, the better the rewards! Give us some feedback by commenting now!

3,638 Responses to Feedback Friday: What Communal Contest Challenges Would You Like?

  1. mcjf says:

    i think a challenge should be we are split into teams and the first team to get a webkinz gem wins 20,000 plus the person who finds it get a bonus.

  2. bunny640 says:

    I think that you should be able to get good items, but not to ask for to much. Like, you shouldn’t ask for a WEBKINZ PET AS A PRIZE FOR THE COMMUNAL CONTESTS!!!!!!

  3. K-Ron says:

    The contest should be set up where we get to vote on which game to play. Then we should see which prizes are available. If the goal is reached then each individual person who participated in the challenge gets to pick one item from the list as their prize. I do agree with all the people who feel that the prizes should be better. Hours of playing the contest just to receive a regular W-shop item is not too exciting.

  4. Amy says:

    Better prizes, not wshop stuff, will get our family participating.

  5. kimono the sig. bengal tiger says:

    I agree with TS fan if we had harder challengas than we could get more valuble items:) espesaily party packs

  6. TS Fan says:

    HI! I was reading some posts and a lot of people are saying that we should be getting E-store items,rare,exclusive,zums,Webkinz Pets as a prize for the Communal Contests.
    I disagree because we are asking to much. The challenges are worth what we are getting. Maybe if we more tougher challenges then yes maybe rare or exclusive but, Webkinz Pets thats like WOW! Your asking a lot! Well, thats my opinion. If anyone agrees with me PLEASE REPLY!!!


  7. Bug says:

    Fabulous Idea! Rare Items, exclusive items, ganz store pets. Something that you can’t buy in the W-shop.

  8. DeeDee says:

    Great idea! Rare Items! E-Ganz Items, Retired items…

  9. Tater says:

    I, also, would like to see more interesting item. I too would like to see rare items, exclusive items, e-ganz pets,e-ganz clothing.I agree, also,e-store retired items would terific.

  10. elinacj2000 says:

    I,too, think rare items,exclusive items, zums,& webkinz pets!

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