Welcome to the weekly edition of Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!
This week, we launched the Communal Contest feature which challenges players to work together to overcome a goal in order to win a sweet prize. We’ve got a bunch of challenges lined up of varying difficulties, including some that require everyone to play a certain game to earn a large number of points and others that require sending KinzPost gifts, but we want to hear what kind of challenges you think the community can finish.
This week’s question is…
What Communal Contest challenges would you like to see?
Would you like a challenge to collect a certain number of gems? What about a challenge to plant a certain number of saplings in the Caring Valley? What challenges do you think the community could finish? Remember: the harder the challenge, the better the rewards! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
I THINK THAT IS THE BEST IDEA YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think qUIZZIES :(
i think we should have a story writing contest. the winner gets a big basket of everything weblkinz sent to their nearest webkinz selling store!! :) i think everyone who tries for any contest should get some prize for trying!!! its kinda dissapointing when u spend a long time on a projest and get nothing out of it:( . i mean their are like a million members yu have about a 1 in a milllion chance to win. if u win ur preatty lucky!!!! :D im not even that lucky!!:) i hope i win one someday i also think u should send us a kinzpost letter when u are having a contest it would be a helpful reminder!!!!! !! :):):):):):)
yo, tyler :) in the house! i like the idea of getting a cool prize, such as a few wish tokens, new stickers on the kinzost, ganz estore items, because the latest communal contst….
I think there should be a contest for how much questions you can answer in one day on quizzys and the prize is either 1000K,an exclusive item or a wish token. I love Webkinz please never shut it down ive been playing since i was like 4-6 and im still playing! well please add my comment and love live Webkinz world!
Well, I would like there to be a contest where you anwser as many questsions as you can and whoever has the fastest time wins any Webkinz as their choose. Like they could pick their category of what they want to anwser. But I would love to enter one like that. Or any kind of contest. Where you could win ANY animal of your choose (that webkinz ganz has. Thanks!! I really want to enter this contest. I really want it to be on here, cause I only have 2 more weeks with Webkinz. I HAVE A GOOD REASON FOR THIS CONTEST. ANYONE WITH A GOOD ABLILITY TO ANWSER QUESTIONS WILL GET A GOOD REWARD, AND ALSO PLEASE PUT THE GOLDEN PEGASUS IN THE CONTEST. PUT ALL THE WEBKINZ, IF YOU CAN PLEASE :) THANKS A BUNCH. GOOD DAY. :) :) :) :( :( :): :) MORE HAPPY THEN SAD
I would like to host a contest where you say your most amazing story and webkinz read them and the winner gets to pick two exclusive prizes
i think you should have a game that if you earn like 50,000 points you get to pick any e store item you want but you only have one day to earn all the points or if you don’t want an e store item you can have like 1,000 dollars and you only have like 1 time to atemept the challenge a month
i think that u should have a contest for how many beans in a jar?
i think there should be a contest that everyone wins like 500 kinz cash. if there was that would be super cool. =)