Welcome to the weekly edition of Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!
This week, to celebrate the holiday, we want to hear about your Christmas. After twelve days of receiving gifts from Ms. Birdy in our Christmas Countdown, everyone is abuzz with talk of presents. Now that Santa has visited us all in the real world, let’s share what we asked for this Christmas!
This week’s question is…
What’s did you ask Santa for this Christmas?
Did you ask for more Webkinz? Perhaps a pair of warm winter mittens? We’re excited to hear your real life Christmas wish lists! Share your Christmas wishes by commenting now!
Ooh I got a 1,000 dollar flip camcorder. leather boots 10 cetmetere heels a leather jacket a 2,000 dollar diamond pendant, a wii 5 games for the Wii. a Nintndo DSi 3 games for that and an Iphone. As for webkinz I got the singnature penguin, calico cat raccoon golden retrevier. well santa got me a Mort the lemur toy!(those are super rare!) a good christmas! :)
hi i got great presents this year i got three webkinz none from santa though!
i got a mud hippo, daisy turtle, bat, for webkinz pets, some clothes, scene it disney version, crayola glow board, flying space monkey, kohls gift certificate, candy! and a great meal! merry late christmas?
I got alot of things for Christmas this year! What I got from Santa was a few Webkinz!They Were the Fox,Santa Gave me code for a Zicron Puppy,And the last 2 Zumbuddies so I now have all 6! Heres my list of things I got from my family!
A Black And White Lil’Kinz Cheeky Dog
25 Dollar Gift card to itunes
Ds Light
7 games for My DS light
2 kinz Shirts
Love Lion
Pepermint Puppy
Note Books
Diari Which is under lock and key!
Mini Lap Top! Those are just a few things I got for Christmas this year,Merry Chrismas!
I got a webkinz black freisan, and I wished for webkinz to make 4 new bird webkinz, plush, a wild=type cockatiel, a peid cockatiel, a pearled cockatiel, and lutino cockatiel. Thanks!!!!!!
Cool!!!!!! I think it would be great if a new pet could be…… a river otter!!!!! and maybe, just maybe, an elk.
I LOVE WEBKINZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a lot of stuff for Christmas, Here are most of the things I got!
A ipod
25 Dollar gift card to itunes
Webkinz Love Lion
Webkinz Pepermint Puppy
Webkinz Lil’Kinz Black and White Cheeky Dog
Target Gift Cards
DS Light
Style Savvy for Ds
Mario Party For Ds
Indiana Jones 2 DS
2 Webkinz Kinz Shirts
Something where you have to dig bones out of plaster and build them up again!
2 pairs of boots (High Heeled!)
The Last 2 Zumbuddies! I now have all six!
3 Gift Cards to Justice!
Some Clothes for my American Girl Doll
Santa gave me a code for a Zicron Puppy!
Those are just somethings I got for Christmas!
i asked for a sock monkey,mymeebas,artist easel and got it all!!
i lost one of my christmas presents!!!!! It was a DS game!!!!!!
This year was the best year ever!!! i got everything i wanted!!! My mom said i can only put 3 things on my list this year but i had a trick. Well heres my list!!
2.Littlest pet shop
I got ever thing!!! I got a strawberry cloud lepord and the citurs dragon i wanted sooo badly!! My mom tricked me with the DSi by wraping it in 11 wrapings and I was so scoked when i opened it!! I love!! Oh one more gife i got was a ticket to go see the globe trotters with my family!! What fun thats going to be!!