Welcome to the weekly edition of Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!
This week, to celebrate the holiday, we want to hear about your Christmas. After twelve days of receiving gifts from Ms. Birdy in our Christmas Countdown, everyone is abuzz with talk of presents. Now that Santa has visited us all in the real world, let’s share what we asked for this Christmas!
This week’s question is…
What’s did you ask Santa for this Christmas?
Did you ask for more Webkinz? Perhaps a pair of warm winter mittens? We’re excited to hear your real life Christmas wish lists! Share your Christmas wishes by commenting now!
What i asked for was lil’kinz such as:
-The Gold and White cat
-The Grey and White cat
-The Basset Hound
-and the St. Bernard
So now i have about six lil’kinz, because i got all of those and more! The other ones i didn’t ask for were:
-The koala
-The frog
I got two Signature cheetahs, two corgi calenders, some jeans, a cool shirt, an i-tunes gift-card and some other cool stuff! (Oh, and a river otter would be so cute) Oh, yeah, and I also got a laptop! Yay!
i also got a warriors book set this year and tons of webkinz. (sain bernard lil kinz, pug lil kinz, and a lava dragon)
i got a lot of name brand clothes like american eagle, aeropostale , wii games, a series that i’m reading called warriors, a ten dollar i tunes card, 45 dollars, candy, mario kart, for the wii, a new i pod, a cd, a new ds, some shoes, super mario brothers for the wii, and a lot of other cool stuff! i just cant remember it all. :)
I got so many cool things for Christmas…and it sounds like everyone else did too! Just remember the greatest gift of all! I hope that you already know what it is. :):)
what i got for xmas:
wii and game
15 webkinz and zumbuddy
operation spongebob
zhu zhu pet scoodles
a fish light
hello kitty stuff
make up
glow dome
body spray
candy and skelanimals toys doll and keychains
That’s so cool! Have fun in Disneyland; I went there after second grade and had the best vacation ever- and I’m not just saying that! (:
I got a golden retriever named Coca Cola, a crocodile (yes!) named Pepsi, a Lava Dragon named Magma, and a Pinto named Tiffany. Two days later I got the Silversoft cat, Sierra, and the Mocha Pup- Toffee with some Christmas money. So it feels like I got six more Webkinz for Christmas! I’m now going to get a signature (either cheetah or Cocker spaniel) and am getting the ginger cat and sig German shepherd. I’m hoping that Webkinz can release a Shih Tzu and Signature Yorkie soon! (one that actually looks like one)
i got a wii and all the wii games and 34 webkinz.
For Christmas this year I got a new seat for my wheelchair and I got it! Santa also got me a Deluxe Membership for Webkinz. From my parents I got a new backpack and laptop, a webkinz shark and….. a new electric wheelchair! I have wanted one for a year an a half now because my old one is getting to small. I have cerebral palsy and I can not walk but “MAKE A WISH” foundation came to my house today and I asked for a bike that I can ride in (I need a special bike). They said they can get not only that for me but now I get to go to Disneyland!!! I hope everyone had a great Christmas just like me!