Feedback Friday: What is your all time favorite Webkinz arcade game and why?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

This week in Webkinz World, the communal contest challenge revolves around the game Polarberry Jam, one of our favorites at Webkinz Newz. A different kind of Webkinz arcade game, Polarberry Jam is pure action! It involves platforms, snowballs, collectible berries, Yeti, traps, and our favorite adventurer: Inukshuk. So if you like games, we want to hear from you!

This week’s question is…

What is your all time favorite Webkinz arcade game and why?

Is it Eager Beaver Adventure Park, because of how the rides get built? Is it a retired game, because you miss it so much? Maybe it’s Webkinz Mini Golf, because it’s been around forever. If it’s been in the Webkinz arcade and it’s your favorite, we want to hear about it. Give us some feedback by commenting now!

1,784 Responses to Feedback Friday: What is your all time favorite Webkinz arcade game and why?

  1. abby with roseme says:

    i like the superwheel becoause EXLUSIVE ITEAMS OF CORSE AND polor plong when you jump it fealls like you tummy is going shaky! and your juping off a snowing cliff my sister thinks i am CRAZY! i am so bad at easy and really good at hard its very funny ;-]

  2. nosy100 says:

    i like zacky’s quest, because zacky is so cute. and because its fun and challenging.


    Zingos pop dude! mostly because I pwn, and you win the most cash man. I kinda fail at all the other games so really it’s my only option… (:

  4. bubblebath2001 says:

    I love playing polar plung because it is a awesome game to play when you want to act like a polar bear in a snowy edventure. I Love the different levels like black diamond!It’s so festive when you play Polar plung! Please read my comment! I think polar plung is awesome!

  5. partyadick says:

    i love SuperModelz because its cool to see what the judges say about your fashoin.Also,you get to choose a model.

  6. fi1263 says:

    i like candy bash cuz it reminds me of candy and after i finish playing the game i get hiper :D

  7. loding... Pleas wait... says:

    :) EVERY GAME! :)

    Mostley zackys quest

  8. Sammy says:

    Zingo Pop:) its fun and you get lots of money

  9. ssamme98 says:

    My fave Arcade game would probably have to be either Zacky’s Quest, or Lily Padz 2 DownPour! They are both easy games for me, although I have never successfully gotten through either one of them! Those are my top 2 number games!!!!!!!!


  10. kimmylily says:

    what about picnic?I love that game!

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