Feedback Friday: What is your favorite sport and why?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

This weekend the 2010 FIFA World Cup begins. Soccer is a great sport to play, and Webkinz World has even added a soccer challenge to the Today’s Activities menu. There are many great sports out there to play and watch, and that’s actually our topic for today. If you like playing, watching, or following sports, we’d like to hear from you!

This week’s question is…

What is your favorite sport and why?

Do you like playing baseball? Do you like watching basketball? Is there a sporting activity you would like to see in Webkinz World? Give us some feedback by commenting now!

1,780 Responses to Feedback Friday: What is your favorite sport and why?

  1. cutepenguin says:

    I also am really good at roller blading , and swimming

  2. cutepenguin says:

    I love softball, but I really want to play soccer

  3. webkinz rule :P says:


    i also really like soccer, volleyball, skiing, and snowboarding!!!

  4. allysememe says:

    i love dancing because can express yourself in so many ways. i love swwimmimg because it’s sooooooooo fun.

  5. Softballchic says:

    I just LOVE softball!!!

  6. TWUT says:

    my favorite sports are
    horseback riding

  7. Kaylie722 says:

    Well , I can admit I’m not a sports person . I have tried almost , about everything ! But , right now I’m on Ice Skating && I can honestly say I enjoy it . It’s superrrrr funn ! (:

  8. silkyhorses says:

    i’m good at roller skating.

  9. Marissa says:

    1. soccer
    2. simming
    3. rollerskating
    4. base ball

  10. chspanthers says:

    I love softball because it’s active and fun.

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