Feedback Friday: What is your favorite Summer activity?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

Have you noticed it’s getting hotter and hotter outside? Summer is in full swing and with it comes so many opportunities to get outside and play! We here at Webkinz Newz would like to know about your favorite things to do in the Summer.

This week’s question is…

What is your favorite Summer activity?

Do you like to cool off by the swimming pool? Or running through sprinkles? Maybe it’s a bike ride around town? Whatever it is, we’d like to hear about your favorite Summer activities. Give us some feedback by commenting now!

2,079 Responses to Feedback Friday: What is your favorite Summer activity?

  1. adriana says:

    I like to swim and act like a penguin.

  2. VideoGameBoy says:

    i just sit down play video games and read and use the computer and all that cool stuff what i really like to do is ride my bicycle

  3. hottie forever says:

    swimming,tubbing on the lake,hanging out with freinds and going to my grandmas to ride quads(atvs),shoot my bow arrow and gun

  4. MJSOKOL says:


  5. brionna says:

    Definetly going on cruises and SWIMMING!!!!

  6. Mona says:

    Going on a cruise to islands and beaches they are awesome especially in the hot sun!!

  7. beck20000 says:

    going to folrodia :D

  8. DeLa_7159 says:


  9. I love my Pet Pricess says:

    Swimming at the community pool with my friends.

  10. DEEP PURPLE says:

    Swimming,going on vacation and No HW (homework).

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