Welcome to the first edition of Feedback Friday, a new weekly feature where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!
This week, our question revolves around the Webkinz Arcade. We just officially unveiled Polarberry Jam yesterday, and next week, we will unveil our new, upcoming Daily Arcade game. While we’ve got plenty more great ideas for games in the future, though, we want to hear from you.
This week’s question is…
What kind of Arcade games would you like to see?
Action games? Adventure games? Puzzle games? What would you like to see? We’re excited to hear your thoughts, and we’ll be reading all the comments about Arcade games (make sure your comment is about Arcade games!) to find out what the community wants. Let your voice be heard by commenting now!
i would like a horse game
I think there should a fashion game. It would be exactly like the other game, but you play as a single player. The other player you will never have to wait for another player. They will be labeled Opponent like games in your house or the Clubhouse.
Thank you for your conciteration!!!!
Maybe a dancing game in the arcade! I absolutely LOVE those type of games and I would love to see how a webkinz dancing game would look! Thanks for letting us tell you our idea. ;)
i want a fashion game that is in the arcade but even though there is 1 in the tournament arena.
thank u
I would like to see…….
- a game called Whale Food. How To Play:there is an orca named Shamu. The object of the game is to click on the types of food that orcas eat Each type is worth 5 points. If you click on the wrong thing you loose 2 points. find all of the types and you will win the orca trophy! p.s.try to make more in this series. also use different animals
maybe a game where you have to memorize a pattern. like there could be instruments and one could make a sound and you click it then if you get it right (of course you will!) another sound is added one by one and there are 10 sounds per level and there are 15 levels and you get a trophy at the end of the game if you finish. this would be a great game for concentration. tell me what you think of this game please!
i love Sudoku, too! it is sooooooooooo awesome! please please please please PLEASE make it!
i think you should make a dance game. you press the arrow keys when the appear on the screen to make the pet you’re playing with dance!
and maybe there could be a dance class in the kinzville academy and you unlock new dance moves on the dance game when you complete levels at the kinzville academy!
i think there should be more room themes to chose from