Welcome to the first edition of Feedback Friday, a new weekly feature where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!
This week, our question revolves around the Webkinz Arcade. We just officially unveiled Polarberry Jam yesterday, and next week, we will unveil our new, upcoming Daily Arcade game. While we’ve got plenty more great ideas for games in the future, though, we want to hear from you.
This week’s question is…
What kind of Arcade games would you like to see?
Action games? Adventure games? Puzzle games? What would you like to see? We’re excited to hear your thoughts, and we’ll be reading all the comments about Arcade games (make sure your comment is about Arcade games!) to find out what the community wants. Let your voice be heard by commenting now!
I want a game where you can make a outfit for your Webkinz, and if you complete a little minigame, you can keep the outfit! My little Webkinz model would love that! :D
It would be cool if you could design your own rollercoaster and other people could try it out! I would totally play that game! :)
your so right jenn there should be a pin ball game that would be sooooooo coooooool!!!!
I really think there should be a pinball style game, whos with me!? :)
ones that offer a lot of mony.because every thing in webkinz world is so expensive and all the games offer so little money
a game were a penguin trys to chase you .
I think there should be more games where you have to spin a wheel and get prizes like the wheel of WOW. Also, there should be more ways to win an exclusive item in a game or something.
Pugs are my favorite dog!!! They should have a game with pugs! Great idea!
Candy Bash 3, rules: is you have run and get candy to earn points. how to earn Kinzcash is to catch 5 pieces of carmel cookies. 1-4 levels. Choclateberry pie, rules, eat 5 pies to reach a goal and get kinzcash, watch for eagles., Gold kat, rules , move the cat down the pyramid, jump on top of lobster, don’t get pinch, if you get pinch 3-0 game over, if you reach the gold cat face, you press countiue.
I whould want a game that you get to design a cloth for your webkinz.