Feedback Friday: What vacations would you add to the Travel Agency?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

A few weeks ago, we asked you, our creative users, what exactly you would like to talk about during Feedback Friday. A number of users replied there just aren’t enough places to go in the Webkinz World Travel Agency. The people here at Webkinz agree with you, and we are working hard to bring more and more fun places for your pets to take vacations. However, we would also like to open up our comments page this week, and ask you where you would like to send your pets on vacation.


This week’s question is…

What vacations would you add to the Travel Agency?

Would you add an underwater adventure? Or would you like to send your pets on a ski vacation at a Winter chalet? Whatever your vacation ideas are, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!


725 Responses to Feedback Friday: What vacations would you add to the Travel Agency?

  1. Breanne says:

    Oh I’d love to go to Japan, A theme park where the are rides and shows and games with rare prizes, and forests full of snow!

  2. brooke says:

    you should add places all over the world where u can see what each country stands for or see all the diffrent clothes

  3. snedz says:

    We should be able to go to a theme park except with webkinz characters and stuff.

  4. HArry POtter FAn says:

    There should be a ski village were you do all this different thing.
    thanks keep making things

  5. Anna says:

    I would add a water park with huge slides and water guns and sprinklers with rainbow wallpaper!

  6. Harry Potter jr says:

    Evanesence, that is a great idea!! To the MOON! And maybe webkinz can create alien webkinz!!


    I would want an underwater getaway where you stay in a submarine for a week or two

  8. Evanescence says:

    WOW! So many great ideas guys! Keep it up! n_n

    My idea is to have a vacation to SPACE!!! You travel there on a rocket and there can be aliens and all that! You could even go to the mooooooooooooooon and the other planets of course!!! There can be all kinds of space adventures!

    If you like this reply back plz!!!

    Love you Ganz!!!! :)

  9. Joanna says:

    An amusement park, a summer camp….

  10. nora says:

    a place like disneyworld ,but then also add in some parts of the world like tokyo,mexico,englandand anything you can think of!

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