Feedback Friday: What vacations would you add to the Travel Agency?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

A few weeks ago, we asked you, our creative users, what exactly you would like to talk about during Feedback Friday. A number of users replied there just aren’t enough places to go in the Webkinz World Travel Agency. The people here at Webkinz agree with you, and we are working hard to bring more and more fun places for your pets to take vacations. However, we would also like to open up our comments page this week, and ask you where you would like to send your pets on vacation.


This week’s question is…

What vacations would you add to the Travel Agency?

Would you add an underwater adventure? Or would you like to send your pets on a ski vacation at a Winter chalet? Whatever your vacation ideas are, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!


725 Responses to Feedback Friday: What vacations would you add to the Travel Agency?

  1. handsomeCATS: mellow milo & frantic felix says:


  2. Web wiz says:

    Anything tropical….with new clothing opps! :)

  3. kidservatory says:

    I would add a vacataion to Paris. I think you could do some shopping, maybe an Eiffel Tower, and a clubhouse room (Maybe a fancy restraunt with tables, and a buffet, like the coral room). Thanks!

  4. abbylishiss says:

    im so creativ

  5. ilovehsm214 says:

    A ski vacation would be sooooo much fun to do. Also, it would be fun to go to a hotel that other webkinz were at like at a water park or something where you could rent a room.

  6. Kylee says:


  7. Traveller Fanitic says:

    I want China to be a vacation!!! That would be so awsome, mabye the carribeans or the himalayas, hollywood or even bollywood and vermont where we can make maple syrup

  8. Cait says:

    just add anything SOON ganz cuz i like new stuff fast sorry if i sound mean reply if you agree to add any new vay-kay

  9. Via says:

    How about a trip to the Moon or Mars? A space vacation please!

  10. mallory says:

    I think there should be an amusement park. were you can ride rides like roller coasters and ferris wheels,
    it would be kinda like the kinzville park only with rides. Ohh and there should be carnaval games, lots and lots of carnaval games!!

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