Feedback Friday: What vacations would you add to the Travel Agency?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

A few weeks ago, we asked you, our creative users, what exactly you would like to talk about during Feedback Friday. A number of users replied there just aren’t enough places to go in the Webkinz World Travel Agency. The people here at Webkinz agree with you, and we are working hard to bring more and more fun places for your pets to take vacations. However, we would also like to open up our comments page this week, and ask you where you would like to send your pets on vacation.


This week’s question is…

What vacations would you add to the Travel Agency?

Would you add an underwater adventure? Or would you like to send your pets on a ski vacation at a Winter chalet? Whatever your vacation ideas are, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!


725 Responses to Feedback Friday: What vacations would you add to the Travel Agency?

  1. Alyssa says:

    How about Disney World like the weel of wow will be a picher of mickey

  2. HIPPOANNIS says:


  3. mcgreff says:

    I think that there should be an amusment park, and a camp would be awesome! :)

  4. Hannah says:

    I would like to have a lakehouse themed place where you could have a second home!! Same wshop and everything but another house!(Maybe smaller though)! That would be soooooo exiting to me and my little sister! Please think it out and thank you!!!

  5. :) says:

    I would add a vacation to space.You could go to the moon, the sun or any other planet!They could have a space shuttle,rocketships,and feed you astronaut food!And an alien shop selling moon gear,and cool clothing!

  6. Pink Mingo says:

    I would like to see an Alaskan Cruise Vacation. With whale watching.

  7. allie says:

    yiu shouid manke one on a snowy montain whith a ski game.

  8. Webkinz Lover says:

    I think they should add an Amusement park , a hilking trip where you can take pictures of animals and thn get rewarded prizes and lastly i agree with adding a Ski resort but i think the exclusive game should be a Yeti hunt! if you find him you get a prize

  9. stinkerbob03 says:

    how about a cooking school destination, one that teaches new recipies, a competition one, a place to buy different foods, or a recipie book..things like that!!! awesome!!!!

  10. fran dresher says:

    ummmmmm water parks! duh i’m sure that i’m speeking for all webkinz members when i say interractive water parks as your webkinz is having fun you can have fun too!

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