Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! |
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A few weeks ago, we asked you, our creative users, what exactly you would like to talk about during Feedback Friday. A number of users replied there just aren’t enough places to go in the Webkinz World Travel Agency. The people here at Webkinz agree with you, and we are working hard to bring more and more fun places for your pets to take vacations. However, we would also like to open up our comments page this week, and ask you where you would like to send your pets on vacation.
This week’s question is…
What vacations would you add to the Travel Agency?
Would you add an underwater adventure? Or would you like to send your pets on a ski vacation at a Winter chalet? Whatever your vacation ideas are, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
I think there should be a “a round the world” vacation. But like, should be 700 kinscash. And I agree with Puppyluvver, all of those ideas are great! But, the “spa vacation” should be interactive. And I must say, you need more activities on the I
“island vacation”.
Cecelia is an awesome name! and ME i totally love that idea! but maybe there shouldn’t be too many things about snowballs. if that happened maybe the pets happiness would go down if they lost because they were wet and cold. Just a thought. and even though i said the thing about hawaii earlier i don’t think they could add real places on earth. after all this is webkinz world! even though paris france is awesome maybe it wouldn’t work. Maybe webkinz should make a place where you could go to a place where webkinz design clothes just virtual. It could cost kinzcash but you could make your own dress however you like or skirt or top or pants or hats or glasses or shoes or whatever! or maybe a trip to kimmy koalas art studio! the possibilities are endless!
I think there should be an cold place. There could be activities like the wheel of ice, and the hot-shop where you can buy hot chocolate tea and warm drinks and a game called find the snowball where you find a snow ball you have 30 seconds to find them all you get $10 for finding each snow ball. Also a game called snowball fight where you try and knock down the other person’s fort but they have to also try to knock down yours!
How about a trip to the moon or Saturn. And also how about an African Safari or to the Pyramids of Egypt or an excursion down the Amazon.
Hi! I am from Atlantic Canada and I would like to see a Skim Board or Surf Board water tech. course. I think it would be quite fun going in and out of qualifying gates. I also think it would be really nice and helpful if there was a site where we we could donate or give to other Webkinz Members things that we cannot sell or trade. I am sure that there are many Webkins folks out there that have had their lives turned around and need our help. It would be really nice to know that there is a site
that gave great comfort and peace to all the children and their parents in Japan and the Middle East that are going through such a hardship at this time. I would like to here how other web members felt about this. Thank You, Happy Easter Lulu.
A trip to Paris,France.
I agree soul surfer! maybe at hawaii there could be a game where pets could have a sandcastle building contest too! and whoever won could win kinzcash or a hawiian prize!
I know this is way past time but why can’t we just add them all? i like the idea of an amusement park or a ski lodge. Why don’t you make an amusementpark at the ski lodge! and free hot cocoa definatly! there should be carnival games, and maybe a snow wheel that you spin. On the wheel there could be kinzcash, hot cocoa, and winter clothes! and there should be a hotel. maybe in some of the rooms you can visit plumpy or kimmy koala on vacation! and at the souviner shack place there can be winter clothes and snowglobs and stuff! it would be a blast! if you agree with me send a comment saying that i’m right!
i wish webkinz could do like a world map or sumthing for pets’ vacations that would be soooooo fun!!! xDDD instead of addding one country or place