Feedback Friday: What was your favorite part of the MAZIN’™ Hamsters demo?

Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! feedbackfriday

Yesterday on Webkinz World™ we previewed the MAZIN’ Hamsters game with it’s very own 3D demo. Now that the demo has run a full day, we have taken it off of Webkinz World. We would however, like to hear about your experiences. Please feel free to take this opportunity to tell us everything you liked about MAZIN’ Hamsters!

This week’s question is…

What was your favorite part of the MAZIN’ Hamsters demo?

Was it the maze you were able to explore? Maybe it was how cute the hamsters looked? Whatever it was you liked, let us know. Give us some feedback by commenting now!

618 Responses to Feedback Friday: What was your favorite part of the MAZIN’™ Hamsters demo?

  1. charis99 says:

    OMG! This makes me want a mazin hamster soooooooooooooooooooo badly! This game is super!

  2. Sammopiper says:

    I loved how big the maze was! There was SO much you could explore!!

  3. Kitty says:

    I didn’t get to play it. You took it off too soon. :(

  4. Breezer says:

    Something new and so fun!

  5. fluffy34259 says:

    My favorite part of it is because you can run, jump and all those crazy things in tunnels/tubes and rooms! Like the kitchen and living room. My favorite is the living room because I get to jump on the sofa and jump off the stairs! It’s so fun! I hope I can play it again soon.

  6. vik says:

    going to be a great new feature. loved it. it was really fun. it takes too long to load. i think its because it has to load the 3d and everything.

  7. Wingless Archangel says:

    My favorite part was that he was so cute and fluffy and the mazes are sooooooooooooo cool!

  8. Ryan says:

    It was super fun

  9. Ryan says:

    It was awsome!

  10. froggi says:

    it was AWESOME i loved it can’t wait to get a webkinz hamster!!!

    wouldn’t it be cool if they could follow your pet around in a hamster ball kinda like the zums can follow your pet around by flying

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