Welcome to the weekly edition of Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!
The always-popular Kinzville Park got a big update this week: members can now help to clean up the park in order to earn “Green Score” which can unlock special prizes! This great new addition will give you even more reason to hang out in the park with your friends! And while we working on a few other ideas to make the park more fun—including adding more trash to make collecting easier—we want to hear from you!
This week’s question is…
What would you add to the Kinzville Park?
Would you like to see more slides and swings? More play areas? A mini-game exclusive to the Park? Give us some feedback by commenting now!
I think there should be more icecream flavours. there should be amanda pandacoming around once a daygiving out free wish tokens. tresure hunts, water park, pools, hot tubsand uch much more!!!
I would LOVE a softball field where u can play and have fun with lots of ppl! I would also want a pool!
Dear Ganz,
I would also like a rock climbing wall and when you reach the top first, second, or third you get a trophy and a prize.
Dear Ganz,
More activities and games. Like during Easter you can look for Easter eggs. Maybe a treasure hunt. Also a pool, monkey bars, snack stand, and maybe a place where you can play sports with your friends. [Softball, baseball, football, soccer, tennis, hockey, basketball, and golf.
I think there should be a big pool,a water slide,ice skating ring,hot tub,rolller coasters,more food stands,monkey bars,bigger slides,a mud whole,a treasure hunt,a garden,and a sand box.
i agree horselover101 ‘n’ if u could get to the top without falling off u would get a prize of ur choice
i agree with gracyn just make sure u add something with peanut butter ‘n’ chocolate yum ;9
a bathroom(not an outhouse),a treasure hunt, ‘n’ a waterslide that has tons of loops ‘n’ when ur going down u try to get kinzcash before u pass it i would be rich before i left cause’ i would go on it again and again and again and again…u get the idea my point is make the park more fun dont just leave it as ur average park make it a fun park who agrees with me?
i will add a casul that would light up. and rides also a party house deluxe members only. and a huge pool that could fit 40 pets so if the room is full you don’t have to wait. and a snack bar and water slides curly slides. a pirite ship for a swing. and a water roller coster! for deluxe members they have a supper dupper rocket ride that goes into the sky! oh and also cars you can rent for free. there will be 26 cars if you want to rent a car you will get a buzzer that will tell you when it is your turn. and one more thing a play room with games and rides plus drinks and food. BYE SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG I HAVE BIG IDEAS!
I think you should add:
1. a bathroom
2. a party corner
3. an ice cream shop insted of a kart
4. a VIP room for delux members only
5. a soda and snack machine