Feedback Friday: What would you like to see in Zumwhere?


Welcome to the weekly edition of Feedback Friday, a new weekly feature where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!

This week, our question revolves around Zumwhere. Earlier today we revealed a set of 6 new Zumbuddies that will be coming to stores in the new year. Zumwhere is one of the most beautiful areas in Webkinz World, and there’s plenty to see and do there, from snapping pictures of Zums to playing with them in their rooms like you would Webkinz.

This week’s question is…

What would you like to see in Zumwhere?

Is there anything you would add to Zumwhere? Anything you would improve? Ideas for new Zumbuddies? We’re excited to hear your thoughts, and we’ll be reading all the comments about Zumwhere (make sure your comment is about Zumwhere!) to find out what the community wants. Let your voice be heard by commenting now!

564 Responses to Feedback Friday: What would you like to see in Zumwhere?

  1. Benjamin says:

    Zumwhere is so cooooooooooooool. I have a lazy Zum!!!! I would like to see a zum float by in Zumwhere.

  2. SNUGUP9 says:

    I kind of like the Zums moving around on their own and not being able to move around like a Webkinz. I also, like someone else suggested, think that there should be a room theme for all 6 kinds of Zums. I also think that the limit for how many Zums in a room should be 6, not 5, because you come out with 6 Zums at a time. I also think you should be able to feed your Zums when they are in Webkinz World as a Zumbuddy.

  3. rangerbrat says:

    I also think they need more room themes. To make it more fun to get zummies, I think they should do arcade games in zumwhere that lets you get a lot of zummies.

  4. twilightkinz says:

    they should make a zum mall and a zum clubhouse what am i talking about i dont even have a zumbuddy

  5. JBMc7 says:

    i argee with zoeebunny the zums solud have outfits to.

  6. JBMc7 says:

    i wood like a Zumbuddy town where you can do all the stuff like in kinzvill.

  7. bffl one says:

    I would like to see more room themes and to sum up everyone elses comments,EVERYTHING wwebkinz get to do :( )” !

  8. the sam master man says:

    i think you should be able to pick your zums name

  9. CMB412 says:

    I think there should be more zums,a room theme for each zum and it should be easyer to get zummies

  10. Zalo... The Tricky Zum...from Kooky300 says:

    I totally agree with “webkinz no.123,86,7980″

    Yes, the buddies should have their own room themes. It just isn’t fair for the buddies who haved to be surrounded by items made for other buddies. You know what I mean?

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