Feedback Friday: What would you like to see in Zumwhere?


Welcome to the weekly edition of Feedback Friday, a new weekly feature where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!

This week, our question revolves around Zumwhere. Earlier today we revealed a set of 6 new Zumbuddies that will be coming to stores in the new year. Zumwhere is one of the most beautiful areas in Webkinz World, and there’s plenty to see and do there, from snapping pictures of Zums to playing with them in their rooms like you would Webkinz.

This week’s question is…

What would you like to see in Zumwhere?

Is there anything you would add to Zumwhere? Anything you would improve? Ideas for new Zumbuddies? We’re excited to hear your thoughts, and we’ll be reading all the comments about Zumwhere (make sure your comment is about Zumwhere!) to find out what the community wants. Let your voice be heard by commenting now!

564 Responses to Feedback Friday: What would you like to see in Zumwhere?

  1. rockhopper100 says:

    I would love to be able to design the out-side of my zumbuddies house.

  2. kailee200 says:

    i think that zumwhere is a wonderful creation and that we should have more kinz clips to choose from because i got one and it was the only kind that they carried. i did not like it so i used the code and gave it to my friend

  3. hi hyper people says:

    i wanna see in zumwhere is everyone like when u have a webkinz account u can already have a zum buddy and also u can have a kinz klip 2 unlock zumeworld and do activities and also teaprincess08 that was a great idea 4 a whell of zum that was awsome sooo i hop ganz can make these

  4. Kailee200 says:

    i agree it is so hard to earn things for your zum when they constantly want something and you spend the zummies faster than you can earn them.

  5. Kailee says:

    I think that we should all have a free trial for 2 days or so because unlike me many kids don’t have that the kids whose parents say i have to see it first can really show them what it can do. it is worth it because the webkinz people will make more money!! :)

  6. TeaPrincess08 says:

    I think a wheel of zum to get items for your zum!

  7. Abbey 123 says:

    hi i think the zum sighting should be easier and when you have to do a challenge i think they should be easier 2. so please consider making it easier 2 win. i also think that everyone should be able to do zum sighting in zumwhere. anyway gtg bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. zachary says:

    I think there should be more stuff like a tv, a stove, a blender, a sandwich maker so that you can make different recipes and you should make tons more food to cook with and to feed to your should also make more toys.

  9. ~*Alexa*~ says:

    I think there should be a club house room in zumwhere, for ppl with zums only

  10. webkinzluva11 says:

    I think that Zum furniture should cost less Zummies, and I think they should give parties more often

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