Welcome to the weekly edition of Feedback Friday, a new weekly feature where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!
This week, our question revolves around Zumwhere. Earlier today we revealed a set of 6 new Zumbuddies that will be coming to stores in the new year. Zumwhere is one of the most beautiful areas in Webkinz World, and there’s plenty to see and do there, from snapping pictures of Zums to playing with them in their rooms like you would Webkinz.
This week’s question is…
What would you like to see in Zumwhere?
Is there anything you would add to Zumwhere? Anything you would improve? Ideas for new Zumbuddies? We’re excited to hear your thoughts, and we’ll be reading all the comments about Zumwhere (make sure your comment is about Zumwhere!) to find out what the community wants. Let your voice be heard by commenting now!
I got a kinz clip a little while ago and I’ve only spotted one zum because I can’t beat the challenges. I would also like it if you could like, zoom in on zums. I once saw a video of zumwhere, and the person who took the video was able to zoom right up to the building to where he could like, see zums peeking out the windows of the buildings and stuff. Am I missing something or was it trick photography?
I sorta would like to see more zums than items in zum sighting.
I would like to have control over what my zum does. All i do is sit here and watch it do what it wants to do. thats no fun. i wantit to do things for me. its kinda boring just to watch it. am i missing something????and i have not figured out how to attach it to a webkinz.
I think that there should be new furniture like bratty zum furniture.
it would be great if the zumbuddy could play with other zums that belong to other webkinz that meet in places like the park, the collector room etc. it would also be great if you gave the winter zum the power to make snow, the fall zum the power to make leaves pile up so that you can jump in them, the spring zum can make flowers grow, and the summer zum can make it rain, or make the sun shine.
I would love to see new zumbuddys, I think a spring zum would be good. It could be like the signature Spring Zum, it would be more like a butterfly and would have soft patel colors. Also this zum would have the power to reward your pet with easter eggs. Maybe even award the pet a gift. Then have a Fall Zum this one should be fall colors and maybe even come with a halloween costume, maybe this zum could help its pet friend play tricks on other zums. Then you could have a Winter Zum, this zum would be snowy colored maybe white with light blue and it would sparkle, when playing with this zum you have to be careful, because he or she can make it snow. No matter what room you are in, even in the club house this little zum can make it snow. They also give the pet a gift a snow globe. Last but not least the Summer zum, this one will have bright colors of summer, and this little zum loves to swim and play at the kinzville park. This little zum will bring towels, or a swimming pool, fruit what ever he thinks is summer fun. It would be great if you could make it possible to play with other zums outside of the zumz world. It would be great if the zums could play in a sandbox in the park it would be fun. Kind of like taking your real pet to the dog park only this would be the zum park and all zumbuddy owners can meet and talk while the zums play. What does everyone else think?
To: PianoplayerA
I got my zum from a postal store that also sells webkinz. You can find them at almost any webkinz retailer.
You can use zums to play wiht, it is like an extra pet. You can feed and play with your pets. You can also attach them to one of your regular webkinz. If you do that you can see them when you walk around places, with your webkinz.
They are pretty cool. There are still bugs that Ganz needs to work out I think. Overall though, I like them.
I believe it is to hard to get zummies. I only get like three or four in a very long period of time. Some of the items you can only get with zummies cost like 300 or more zummies. How am I supposed to decorate my room. The games that the zum pets play should also be interactive to some extent because otherwise you just sit there waiting for your pet to finish playing.
I can not get my Zum to move. He moves sometimes but not were I want him to move.
I do not understand zums how do you get money to buy things for them if some one could tell me please do !!!!!