Feedback Friday: What would you like to see in Zumwhere?


Welcome to the weekly edition of Feedback Friday, a new weekly feature where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves!

This week, our question revolves around Zumwhere. Earlier today we revealed a set of 6 new Zumbuddies that will be coming to stores in the new year. Zumwhere is one of the most beautiful areas in Webkinz World, and there’s plenty to see and do there, from snapping pictures of Zums to playing with them in their rooms like you would Webkinz.

This week’s question is…

What would you like to see in Zumwhere?

Is there anything you would add to Zumwhere? Anything you would improve? Ideas for new Zumbuddies? We’re excited to hear your thoughts, and we’ll be reading all the comments about Zumwhere (make sure your comment is about Zumwhere!) to find out what the community wants. Let your voice be heard by commenting now!

564 Responses to Feedback Friday: What would you like to see in Zumwhere?

  1. Sophia aka BABYSLAY says:

    I’ll teach you how to take of them. I had a hard time too. When you see a picture of a food or toy just drag that for the zum dock to you zum. And who la

  2. Sophia aka BABYSLAY says:

    I agree on everythink katiekinz said and I have lazy zum and gigley zum too!

  3. Sophia aka BABYSLAY says:

    I think it is way to hard to get zum points and I would like for other people zums come at my house

  4. Sophia says:

    I would like a tv for the zums but shows that were about zums

  5. camille says:

    i think thats a great idea but anyways can you make zums talk?

  6. jan12010 says:

    i think you should add the wheel of zum like the wheel of wow but you earn prizes for your zums

  7. GoodRitchDog says:

    Also, webkinz should let you decide what zummies you want your zumbuddy to award you.

  8. GoodRitchDog says:

    Webkinz should make it so your zumbuddy interacts in your room too. Not just in zumwhere. Plus webkinz should let your zumbuddy explore zumwhere by itsself.

  9. ZumZumBuddie! says:

    Okay I’d like it to be more like webkinz like daily activities and it’s super hard to get Zum points and then you spend them all on a chair or something i’d like to be able to move you Zum like you can’t make it sleep it just goes over when it wants to and i want to be able to invite other zums and arcade games (=

  10. Kellykinz says:

    First off I think the Zumwhere was a great addition to WKW. We really enjoy it. I would love to see monthly or more often Prizes being added that you can buy with your Zummies, in addition to new things for the Zums rooms. The Zummies that you are awarded right now needs to be improved. Most end up with far more of each color except Blue. In some cases people have little to no blue and over 1000 of each of the other colors. The gap just gets wider the more you play. I’d love to be able to play with more than 5 at a time too.

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