Black and White Friesian Name Me Contest
Starts: 2017:03:01 09:00:00
Ends : 2017:03:06 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
What would you name this fantastic free spirit pet?
Share your name suggestion with us to be entered in a random draw for one plush Black and White Friesian or one of four virtual Black and White Friesians!
Please use the contest entry form – do not leave the answers in the comments.
Note: Contest closes at 11:59 PM EST on March 5, 2017.

I would name this horse Mariah
I would name this cutie Oreo XD
I love all of the Webkinz horses I’m trying to collect them all.I only need this one and the Choco Vanilla Pony. Then my collection will be complete until they make more horses LoL.
Lance :)
boy: I would name him Prince Charming and for a girl: i’d name her black beauty
it takes a while for me to log in to this newz site and to type in the contest areas. it is much easier to leave a comment. it is very frustrating to type one letter an wait for it to show up and then get a circle wait an have to reclick to type the same letter again
Marshmallow :)
Good luck to everyone! You just might win!
Thanks good luck to you too!
I entered the contest! I really hope I win! :D
Good luck! I really like this horse.
I love this horse too. Horses are my favorite animal! I have always loved the ones with a black coat. But all horses are beautiful. It would be so cool if they would make a pony!!!! Awwww I want a signature pony or horse! That would be soooo cool! I hope webkinz makes more horse and ponies. I hope I win! :)