Black Wolf Contest
Starts: 2013:09:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2013:09:30 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
School is back in session! What do you love about school? Tell us your top 10 school activities and you could win October’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Black Wolf (the “Prize”), in time for October!

omg i just loved wolves scince i was born! hope i get one cuz i love the color black. :D
I love black wolves!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck everyone!
I’ve never won a contest before, I hope I can this time! But if I don’t, congrats to whoever does! :D
awesome how do i join?
eeeeeeeek!!!!! I LOVE wolves and I really hope I win
I don’t think i’ll win, but I still could, and I hope I do
good luck
I hope i get it because i like any type of dogs including wolves!
I really hope I win I cant wait for October! And plus wolfs rock!