Black Wolf Contest
Starts: 2013:09:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2013:09:30 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
School is back in session! What do you love about school? Tell us your top 10 school activities and you could win October’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Black Wolf (the “Prize”), in time for October!

I am in LOVE with wolfs!!! I really hope I win!! there my favorite animal!!!
good luck everyone i just entered i really hope to win she would be great friends for my wolf
Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. I hope I win, but I will be glad if I don’t. Good Luck, Everyone!!! :)
i really really really want a Halloween pet!!!!! i got him i would name him Monster
This is the first contest I entered. ^.^ I wish awesome luck to everyone who entered! If I won, I would name it Nightfall, Anochecer (spanish for nightfall), Lobo (spanish for wolf), Medianoche (spanish for midnight) I don’t know :)
Wait, nevermind! I’d name it Bodacious! xD
Those other names were really cool! You’re so creative!
Thanks! ^.^
I would name mine brody or breanna
Good luck everyone! I won’t win. I never win these. xD. I dont care though, Good luck everyone! Add me on webkinz, My name is : pnutdoggy :3
It looks awesome.. i love to read about werewolves, so a black wolf it totally awesome.
hope i get it only have one pet and shes lonely
lol,my little sister was reading off my shoulder,and she said i should do recess…i dont have recess!!!
hope i win this time i enterd the august turtle contest and i didnt win anything