Blossom Giraffe Room Design Contest
Starts: 2016:07:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2016:08:01 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply)
The Blossom Giraffe is August’s Pet of the Month and just adores flowers, especially allium flowers! Send us your designs for the Blossom Giraffe’s perfect floral room featuring allium flowers for a chance to win 1 of 5 Secret Codes for a virtual Blossom Giraffe! No restrictions on items or room size, but Allium Flowers from the W Shop must be used in the design.
Limit of one entry per GanzWorld account. Entries will be judged on creativity and originality. Contest closes on July 31st, 11:59pm EST.

can you tell me where to find the Allium flowers I looked in the outdoors section and the plants section?
Hi, you find them in the OUTDOOR section of the wshop. They kinda look like purple dandelion puffs. Hope this helps! =)
Yay! I canNOT wait! Is this going to have the winners announced on the 29th like for the Pinata Donkey room thing?
The winners of Donkey contest weren’t announced on the 29th. This contest won’t be judged until August 1 at the earliest.
vbeach4 so friend me.
Yes! Mine will have an adorable Fox Signature.
I can’t do these contests since my house doesn’t load anymore (it was like that since the webkinz x update). :(
Are the winners allowed to give their unused code to a friend?
i do no want o make flower themed room no way !
Then you don’t have to particapate,
Off topic but will Ganz do any more writing contests? I really liked those… Can you bring them back sometime? Thanks! ~Inkstrike
I would like that too.
Does it matter if the room is outdoor or indoor? I looked through the rules and didn’t see anything about what kind of room, but I might just be overlooking it. ;) Thanks!
Allium flowers, which must be used in the room design, can only be placed outdoors, so you probably need an outdoor room.
Actually, they can be placed anywhere now that they’ve updated Webkinz.
Where do i find the Allium Flowers
They are in the outdoor section of the w shop.