Bull Terrier Contest
Starts: 2013:02:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2013:02:28 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Are you enjoying the snow weather? Tell us your top 10 winter activities and you could win March’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Bull Terrier (the “Prize”), in time for March!

I would really like to win this contest because I only have one wekinz, and I am looking to get more because I am a big fan of webkinz and I would name him Bogie after my old dog that looked exactly like the Bull Terrior
do you like moocows.
Good Luck to everyone! I hope to win because It’s been too long since I adopted one, and he’s adorable!!!
i really hope i win so my sister will be happy.
i really hope i win him too and if i did i would name him max :-)
i would name him bob
hopefully i win so i will name him snowbo
I would name him Ryan too ;) Add me on Webkinz my name is webkinsrcool1234 or madihops. Add me on both!
Drat! I answered the math question wrong and now it won’t let me enter. There’s an incentive to improve one’s math!
hope i win, ive never won a internet contest before