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Butterscotch Retriever Contest

Starts: 2014:03:01 00:00:00

Ends : 2014:03:31 23:59:59

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Tell us your top 10 good luck charms and you could win April’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Butterscotch Retriever (the “Prize”), in time for April!


279 Responses to Butterscotch Retriever Contest

  1. bellehunn says:

    i have had this webkinz since last year, i dont need to enter. haha, my brother and dad call them webkin.

  2. sockmonkey says:

    The Butterscotch Retriever looks pretty cute! I hope I win(:

  3. dolphin121301 says:

    I never win and I don’t know why because I always give really good answers, and I always get the math problem at the bottom right… so I am hoping this time I can win the Butterscotch Retriever but even if I don’t I wont be that upset. Thank You webkinz world for letting me enter this contest! -monkey121301 :)

  4. catsrock800 says:

    The Butterscotch Retriever is so cute! If i win, i think i will name him Blink.

  5. oreosmaster2011 says:

    Thanks for giving us a chance to win one Ganz!

  6. Houtty says:

    I like the contests!!! And I like the dogs!!!!

  7. Valtine says:

    hope i win.i love webkinzs

  8. lexi2003 says:

    hope i win! i never win though :sad: good luck everyone! i hope that turns out as a frown…

  9. laura123 says:

    i really want to WIN PPPPLLLLZZZ

  10. alanna3596 says:

    i ove webkinz

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