Camo Cow Contest
Starts: 2015:09:04 00:00:00
Ends : 2015:09:07 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
The Camo Cow is on a super secret mission… what could it possibly be? If you know where she went and what she did… let us know! Tell us in 1000 characters or fewer and you could win an eStore exclusive Camo Cow!
Entries accepted from Friday, September 4 at 12:00 am EST until Monday, September 7, 11:59 pm EST.
Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how you can get your very own Camo Cow!

I entered! I feel like mine was very creative but we shall see if it was good enough or not lol Good luck everyone!
All I can think of is that Camo cow
Is it online or do you get the plush but anyways I entered!
I had a difficult time keeping mine under 1000 characters, but I hope that the judges at least find it to be clever. I tried to be creative, but started running out of the correct adjectives for my story. Oh well.
The camo cow has just been notified by arte that somebody in webkinz world has been stealing the rare gems in the curio shop.She started to begin going undercover and hide in the curio shop. Through out the past few days she has not been able to track the thief because each night she slowly drifts off to sleep. She tries different attempts of staying awake, she drinks a cup of coffee, and she splashes cold water on her face. It was Sunday evening,she was hiding behind the counter and she heard a noise, she took out her night vision goggles and she could see some sort of a figure. Minutes later she turned the lights on jumped over the table and tackled the thief. She had so much excitement she could not wait to pull off the mask and see whom it was. She was not expecting it but turns out the person under the mask was arte. Arte said he took the gems cause he was sick of the pets not selling them their gems. the camo cow had solved yet another crime and had another victory.
All I can say is, §, prepare for puns galore! Heeheehee! ☺§
Mine saves the puns for the end, but I love using puns too!
I entered!