Camo Cow Contest
Starts: 2015:09:04 00:00:00
Ends : 2015:09:07 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
The Camo Cow is on a super secret mission… what could it possibly be? If you know where she went and what she did… let us know! Tell us in 1000 characters or fewer and you could win an eStore exclusive Camo Cow!
Entries accepted from Friday, September 4 at 12:00 am EST until Monday, September 7, 11:59 pm EST.
Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how you can get your very own Camo Cow!

im not going to win i know it
where if u win do u get the code
your e-mail
thank you
So like create a story, cool beans! Sounds fun (:
The camo cow went to help our soldiers in Iraq. He/she was protecting all of our armed forces, keeping them safe. She would even put herself in harms way to save a soldier.
wow. That’s really out there.
Great! I’m entering, but I never received my sterling cheeky cat that I won in the contest for April! I have asked about it a few times, but still no cheeky cat :(
You were supposed to get the cheeky cat secret code in your e-mail. hmm… i wonder what could have happened.
Are you sure you checked the correct email – the one linked to your Ganzworld account?
Hi RainbowDash716! We can only send your Secret Codes via email, and the address you used to sign up for your GanzWorld account doesn’t exist. There’s no way to private message you on here, and we can’t verify your identity if we get an email from a different address. If you’d like to enter contests to win Secret Codes, you’ll need to create a new GanzWorld account with a valid email address.
to the forest to uncover the top secret prize that will change one webkinz life forever.
knock knock
whos there?
lettuce who
uh i don’t get how you can get the camo cow
When the contest opens on Friday, you can submit your story for a chance to win :) Hope that helps!
Awwwwww! I wanna do it now! ;( Oh well…..
Who is Sally Webkinz?????????????
she’s on a top secret mission to find a new owner! :)
Here’s my story: Camoline the Camo Cow had a very important mission! Her best friend, Camorino, The Camo Rhino, was in trouble. She had been caught by the enemy spy’s! It was up to Camoline to save her! She must go to the Bad Wolfs hide out, in a ghost town part of Kinzville to save her friend! “I will do anything to get her back!” Camolina said to herself. So her mission began. She snuck into the hide out. “Camorino!” she called, “Where are you?” “Over here.” a weak voice called back. Camoline went over to the cage her friend was in and opened the lock. “Oh thank you!” Camorino exclaimed. “Now let’s get out of here before they find us! “I’m with you there!” said Camoline. “Lets go.” “Camorino! I have discovered what there evil plot is!” Camorino said, after they got out. “They are going to fill Kinzville with chaos!” “We must stop them!” said Camolina. “And the only way we can do that is use the Crown of Wonders.” > after all of that typing, I ran out of words! xD so that’s where it had to end. :/
Chloe_Webkinz, that’s a great story! :D I didn’t like when i had to stop my story a bit short, too!
Wow! I love to write, and writing for a Webkinz? How awesome! Cool contest, GANZ! I’m totally entering!
ยง Will this be a random draw pick? or will you pick the best story?
We will be judging the entries, just like with the Tinker Chimera contest :)
Yay Yay Yay! I have a great story to tell! Can’t wait can’t wait CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
just entered! wish me luck!
Sally, Is it any difference to enter close to the end of the contest or no?
Nope! We don’t start reviewing entries until the contest is over.
I just entered! YEAH
good question. probably best story.
I just entered. ^^ Hopefully nobody came up with the same idea I did. By the way, what do the contest rules mean by people living in New York, Florida, and Quebec are excluded? Does anyone know why this is? Doesn’t Webkinz have an office in New York?
Awesome!! I totally missed the writing contests. I’m so glad they’re back! Thank you, GANZ!! :D
Gahhh, I was so eager to find out who won today but I reread the time limit and I have to wait all the way until tomorrow??????????? Time limit, you don’t know what you’re doin’ to me over here. I’m not a very patient person! The suspense is too great D:’ (good luck to everyone who entered, by the way! I’m sure everyone’s stories are awesome! :D now to wait…13 hours and 15 minutes…*twitch*)
wow fracktail, you sure are factual!