Charming Panda Contest
Starts: 2013:08:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2013:08:31 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
One full month of summer left… where are you planning on going? Tell us your top 10 summer destinations and you could win September’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Charming Panda (the “Prize”), in time for September!

Hope i get the panda..only have two pets…and only one of them is a plush…the other is one i got for free for getting an account…and good luck to every one thats competing and for the future winner congrats <3
I need the PANDA so bad I just want a friend for Abby she is the only one. She need a friend that is why
please I want the panda so bad that im so mad I just want it so please help me get it. thank you
I really want that panda
i cant stand a free i acount anymore i need this
soooo cute!!!!
I just entered – I would really like to win! I never win anything online. xD But if not, I hope one of you guys win!
so so cute i have one
hehe i have like TONS of webkinz pets =D
I hope I win. My webkinz gets really lonley