Charming Panda Contest
Starts: 2013:08:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2013:08:31 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
One full month of summer left… where are you planning on going? Tell us your top 10 summer destinations and you could win September’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Charming Panda (the “Prize”), in time for September!

I want to win, but if someone else wins I hope its someone who’s membership expired or does only have one pet. I also think they should make a persian cat, a sea siamese cat, or an Egyptian Mau cat.
IF they make an Egyptian Mau cat. I will get it right away
They Have a Persian Already
My membership expired, and I’m looking to adopt another pet. Thanks, you’re so sweet! :)
i would so love this my all time favorite animal is the panda ive been trying so hard to get one but they are so hard to find i hope everyone has a great day :)
I so hope I win this! MUST HAVE MORE WEBKINZ!
i really hope I get a panda! :D
I want this so bad i have 2 panda stuffed animals that i got at d i but it was just the animal
I want to win that charming panda contest soooooooooo bad I can’t even explain how much there are a couple reasons 1. the charming panda is soooo adorable 2 .who wouldn’t want that panda.
I hope I win but if I don’t I am happy for the winners. I have a panda already but if I get another totally amazing ! I never win though.
Im not crazy about the panda i just want to win alot. (:
This is a really pretty poem I found about Panda Bears by Linda L. Chew: If I was a Panda Bear I’d probably live in a zoo For children to see especially for you. I’d look like most other bears except I’m black and white although I may appear reddish-brown in the morning light. I’d like to spend my time alone eating from 10 to 12 hours a day Since my other time is spent resting There is very little time for play. Although I look like other bears I would not hibernate as I eat bamboo shoots, stems, and leaves My body– not enough fat to insulate. From chewing so much my head appears big and round when I have newborn Pandas They are tiny– about a fourth of a pound. I live in a zoo that is true however China is my home We Pandas are becoming extinct freely we do not roam.
I already have it the littlekinz and the bigkinz I mean webkinz