Cheer Pup Room Design Contest
Starts: 2016:04:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2016:05:01 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply)
The Cheer Pup is May’s Pet of the Month and is ready to RA-RA-RA! Design a room for the Cheer Pup featuring the Cheerleader Gym Wallpaper in the W Shop for a chance to win 1 of 5 Secret Codes for a virtual Cheer Pup!
Limit of one entry per GanzWorld account. Entries will be judged on creativity and originality. Contest closes on April 30th, 11:59pm EST.

Man, I give up. I tried, but it keeps saying my screenshot was to large!! How do you make the picture fit?!
You have to crop it. Just crop it small. Don’t give up! i bet you have a great room!
You have to go to resize, then change the horizontal and vertical to 50. I’m sure your room is pawesome!
Thanks guys! I’ll try that. ☺
I made an obstacle course for my room that I entered! It’s perfect for this because the cheerleader pup can cheer on her team that is on the obstacle course!
nice! i entered too. :)
Sorry mines has the webkenz icons on the picture my phone takes the best pictures and i dont know how to get rid of that. :C
And also is the a way to change my email i use my first one a lot but i dont remember which email i used for my account its kamakitty123 is there a way for u guys to tell me what emailed i used for it thanks please respond?
iam sorry i meant i dont use my first one that much i had to get a new one for school and stuff so i check that one more often if theres a way to change it that would be great. :D
Your email is an @yahoo account.
Wow! Cool monkey Steve! Wish I could do that!
Good luck to everyone else who entered! I can’t wait to see who wins!
I entered! I am a cheerleader and love this room contest and the Cheer pup!
I entered too (: I hope mine was creative enough! :D
I’m sure that your room was great! Good luck C:
Thanks! Good luck to you too!!
i have entered a contest before but never won i really want to win
This seems really fun so I guess I’ll enter! I’m probably not going to win since this is my first time but good luck everyone!
I’m so excited! I love these contests! (:
This is so exciting! I love that they are doing room design contests! I love this so much! Can’t wait to enter!!!!! Whoop dee doooooo!!!!!!!
Cute! I don’t know if I will enter or not, because I already have the Cheer Pup, but good luck to the people who do enter. I’m sure all of your rooms will be PAWSOME! :D